Saturday, 22 December 2012
My final front cover
I chose to change the font on my front cover to something more bold and conventional so that it looks more professional. I feel this black text is more eye catching and makes the layout of the front cover more clear. I will include this font in my contents and double page spread to create continuity throughout my magazine, as I feel this will also look professional.
If I was to improve this front cover I would experiment with different colours and house styles to see which was more effective.
Over all I am happy with how my front cover has developed, as it includes lots of conventional features and I think the overall front cover looks professional.
Front cover draft
On this draft I tried to mold the words around the photograph as this is conventional in some magazines and I feel it works really well in this instance. I believe this is by best draft so far.
Friday, 21 December 2012
Front cover draft
On this draft I experimented with a more plain layout, and included less text. I also used a photograph which takes up more of the cover so it appears like it is dominating the page. I like this layout but I feel there is too much blank space. I stuck with the same colours and house styles as I feel its beginning to look professional.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Front cover drafts
I had to re design my front cover with brand new images as I lost all of my work. However this worked to my advantage as it gave me chance to improve and redesign my front cover. It also allowed me to take more photographs which look more conventional for a front cover. I chose the colour red for the main colour theme as it links with the detail on her face which I created with stick on face beads. I chose a loose test as I feel it looks quirky and unique, which I feel will make my magazine stand out. I also feel it makes it look quite professional and tidy at the same time. I chose a clear title this time, as on my feedback of my other front covers I was told it looked too much, so I went for a conventional white and bold title which is easier to read, over all I think this looks better. I have stuck with the house style of red, white and black as I think this looks tidy and sophisticated, its also easy on the eyes to look at. The plain colours also help the photo in the center stand out more. I have text in the first and third thirds of my cover as this is the most conventional lay out for a magazine front cover, I found this out from my research. I have included quotes and famous names which will effectively catch the viewers eye, and hopefully make them buy the magazine.
My best 9
I believe these are the best from my shoot and I feel these will look good on both my front cover and my contnets. I like the way my model is taking up the majority of the frame, however she is centered in the center 3rd which is very conventional of a music magazine front cover. I will experiment with using these on my drafts and see which works best. I will have to edit these photos as my models bra straps are showing as I did not consider this when taking photos but I can do this easily on photoshop.
New photo shoot

In the process of making my magzine I lost all of my work, because of this I had to take all of my photos again. Although this was very time consuming it helped me achieve better photographs as I knew how to work the lighting, and I also had some idea of what poses look best. I chose to continue with the gems on my models face because I think it gives her a very unique and quirky look. On the other hand I chose to change her clothing. This is because I feel she needed a more unique and busy look. To achieve this I dressed my model in a aztec patterned top which is very eye catching and I feel this will draw viewers eyes in when looking at my magazine. She is also wearing a black skirt so that the colours in her outfit also match the house style and link. I experimented with lots of different poses in both landscape and portrait because I am using these photos for both the front cover and contents. Overall I am happy with how my new images have turned out and I feel they will make my magazine look more professional.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Second Draft
For my second draft of my front cover I took into consideration all the feedback that I got for my first draft and changed some features. I tried to take up the majority of the space with my images and text as I had positive feedback on this last time, however I have tried to use fonts/colour that link better to make it look more professional. I have also included images/patterns behind the text to make them link and to also draw the viewers eye across the page. I adjusted my title so that there is a pink shaddow and I think this helps to frame the darker text and makes it easier to read. Overall I think this draft is better than my first, however I still think there is alot to improve until it begins to look professional. I am going to do some more research on existing magazines and use those as inspiration to make mine look better.
First draft
Audience/Peer Feedback:
Positive Comments - 'I like that there is no blank space'
- 'Good use of colour and text'
- 'It's colourful and well layed out'
Negative Comments - '"I'll never trust him again" text looks out of place with other text'
- 'The black text looks too bold compared to other text'
- 'Title isn't overly clear'
To improve upon this front cover I am going to take this feedback into consideration by keeping some features the same and changing some things. I am going to continue leaving no blank space on my front cover as I have had positive feedback on this, I am also going to keep the layout the same however I am going to change some of the fonts so that they link better as my feedback suggests I should do this. Also I am going to take into consideration changing my title colour/layout, but on the other hand I feel this looks good and would only need changing slightly to work well.
Overall I do feel that this front cover can be improved to look more professional, and I am going to adjust the things that I think dont quite work on all my next drafts so that overall I have a professional outcome.
Friday, 14 December 2012
4 best
I believe these are four of my best photographs to use on my front cover of my magazine, I think this becuase they are taken as a conventional medium close up shot which will make it look professional. I chose a white background as this can be easily changed and it will also make things easier when adding other conventional features onto my front cover as there will be nothing distracting in the background. I tried to choose four unique and different photographs to see which one works best with features such as a title and cover lines etc. this will then allow me to choose the best and most effective shot to use on my final draft. I have also vairied my models hair style from a front fringe to a sweeping fringe, this is becasue I want to see the contrast between so I can compare and see which works best, again allowing me to choose which looks best for my front cover.
I took into consideration my makeup and clothing research when dressing and adding make up to my model. I used a top which has the popular cross patterning on so it links to the latest fashion trends, however the top also has cut out shoulders which helps to frame the center of my model, this in effect will draw attention to the center of my magazine. I also included jems on my models face as this is what popular artists are doing, as it is unique and it's something in which they can be recognised by so I feel this will make my magazine look recent and professional.
I took into consideration my makeup and clothing research when dressing and adding make up to my model. I used a top which has the popular cross patterning on so it links to the latest fashion trends, however the top also has cut out shoulders which helps to frame the center of my model, this in effect will draw attention to the center of my magazine. I also included jems on my models face as this is what popular artists are doing, as it is unique and it's something in which they can be recognised by so I feel this will make my magazine look recent and professional.
Face detailing
First front cover shots
These are some of my first final photoshoot photographs I have taken to use on the front cover drafts of my music magazine. I have taken the majority as medium close ups as this is conventional for a front cover.
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