Friday 14 December 2012

4 best

I believe these are four of my best photographs to use on my front cover of my magazine, I think this becuase they are taken as a conventional medium close up shot which will make it look professional. I chose a white background as this can be easily changed and it will also make things easier when adding other conventional features onto my front cover as there will be nothing distracting in the background. I tried to choose four unique and different photographs to see which one works best with features such as a title and cover lines etc. this will then allow me to choose the best and most effective shot to use on my final draft. I have also vairied my models hair style from a front fringe to a sweeping fringe, this is becasue I want to see the contrast between so I can compare and see which works best, again allowing me to choose which looks best for my front cover.
I took into consideration my makeup and clothing research when dressing and adding make up to my model. I used a top which has the popular cross patterning on so it links to the latest fashion trends, however the top also has cut out shoulders which helps to frame the center of my model, this in effect will draw attention to the center of my magazine. I also included jems on my models face as this is what popular artists are doing, as it is unique and it's something in which they can be recognised by so I feel this will make my magazine look recent and professional.

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