Sunday 31 March 2013


Throughout my front cover, contents page and double page spread I have created continuity by keeping many features the same. One of the main and most prominent features which I have kept the same is the colour scheme. I have used burgundy, black and white colour in all parts of my magazine as this is conventional and is present in existing magazines as it makes each page link together. I have also created continuity by using a similar font throughout; the main font which I used through all parts of my magazine is called ‘Impact Label’. I chose to use this font as I like the unique looks it gives whilst also being simple and easy to read. By keeping my font and colour schemes the same through my magazine, it creates continuity, in effect keeping a constant house style. To make my magazine look professional I made sure that my page numbers for the double page spread matched my contents features. If these didn’t match my magazine wouldn’t be conventional and the readers of my magazine wouldn’t be able to find their way around the magazine properly. When researching I found that the artist photograph which is featured on the front cover is also included on the contents page and the double page spread, and because this is conventional I made sure I included the same model acting as the artist in all parts of my magazine. The layout for my front cover matched many layout conventions of existing magazines, as it included the main mast head at the top, with the main image in the centre and the cover lines around the photo. On the other hand, I challenged the conventional layout of existing content pages by experimenting with different layouts, however when it came to creating a double page spread I went for a very conventional layout with columns for text, which include quotes etc. and finally, a photograph of the main artist, which takes up the whole of one side of the double page spread.

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