Friday 30 November 2012

Practice Shots

These are some practice shots which I took in the studio because I wanted to test how the lighting and background worked together in a photograph. I like this background as it looks very vintage and in trend, and also becaus it doesnt leave a blank space behind the model which would make the photo look very unprofessional. As you can see from these photographs the lighting differs hugely in each, this is because I wanted to see what effect different lights made and also to see how much of a difference the distance of the light made in the photo. I feel the bottom right photo is the best lit, because there is no shaddows and also the background and model are both lit evenly creating a clean and interesting photo. In these photos I also experimented with different framings, for the majority I used mid shots, this is because I wanted to include her outfit and wig which would mean I would have to be a reasonable distance away to include all of this. I think this shot could work as a front cover of a magazine, however the more conventional framing for a magazine cover is a medium close up and this would be fairly closer than a mid shot, as a medium close up focuses more on the face of the subject rather than the clothes and props used along with the model. In these photos I like the way that the models red wig looks prominant against the black and white background and outfit. I think this makes the viewers eye become drawn to her face which is the effect in which I was trying to achieve. The chosen outfit for these photographs was chosen with the current trend of collars and leather jackets in mind as I felt this would interest the audience if on the front of a magazine. Over all I like these photos, but before I choose for definate a this background or lighting I feel I need to experiment with others to see which give the best effects.

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