Friday 30 November 2012

Practice Shots

Finally I took this outfit into a white back dropped studio, to see what effect I would get and to see if it improved from the last background I chose. Overall I think in the photos where I placed the lighting correctly like in the last few photographs where there is no shadowing in the shot, gives the most professional effect overall. This could also become an advantage as when creating my front cover the white space around my model can easily be filled in with colour, text and images to make the cover look more attractive. On the other hand the white background could be left white to allow any colour text to be used without worrying about it clashing with the background. I feel this outfit also works well in this situation as it makes all attention focus on the model and this is the effect I want to achieve. After my experimenting I have decided that I white back dropped studio with professional lighting will work best for me to shoot my final photographs on as I feel it gives the more professional effect whilst leaving me with the space to choose what colour text I am going to include without the worry of clashing colours.

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