Friday 30 November 2012

Practice Shots

These photographs were all taken on the same background as the previous photos. This is because I wanted to see the effect of different outfits on the model. In these photos I also tried to experiment with different framings and angles to make the image look interesting and to see what different effects this gave. I think that the lighting should have been brighter on some of these photos as the background seems to be darker than the model, and this makes the model appear to be blocking out the light which doesn’t look very professional. If I was to photograph in this studio again I would make sure that I had a light above me shining on the background to ensure that it is properly lit. Again this outfit was chosen with the current trend in mind: peplum tops. Some of the fashion research I have done was in Topshop, and here many different styles of peplum tops were on sale and this was very similar to some of them so again I feel this could interest the audience. However I don’t think this outfit compliments the backdrop as the last outfit did. I feel the pink top against the black and white background clash which makes the photos harsh too look at, but again before choosing a setting and outfit for my final photographs I am going to continue experimenting with lighting and outfits until I achieve the professional effect I want.

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