Tuesday 20 November 2012

Styling - Iconography

I have chosen to include this photo on my blog because I like the way in which Lady Gaga has been styled. Firstly I like the way in which her front fringe help draw attention to her eyes and other featured, as I think this will lead the viewers eyes to hers making them connect with the photo. I also like the way which her make up is very minimalistic allowing her to look natural whilst the shape of a lightning bolt surrounds her right eye, agin drawing attention to her eyes. The colour of the lightning bolt and the clothes she is wearing is the same, I think this is to that the photograph looks complete and professional, however the colour black could also connote strength and darkness, this could have been used to show her confidence and strength in the music industry, which also shows her success as an artist. Her white gloves help her hands blend into the background so that they do not take the attention away from her face, however the microphone is highlighted by the white colours around it, this could be to show the more unfamiliar fans that she is a singer when they look at the photograph. The gems on the end of the microphone coulld be used to show her glamorous and wealthy, if this photo was included on a music magazine front cover than it could make the viewer want to buy is as they might want to know how to be as glam and successful as Lady Gaga herself.

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