Friday 12 October 2012

Camera shots

The first shot of an ECU (extreme close up) is usually used to show emotion, as it clearly shows facial expressions. This shot is often used in television drama and films to emphasize emotion.
The second of a CU (close up) is a shot that just includes the subjects face, this shot also clearly shows emotion.
The third shot of a MCU (medium close up) shows the subjects face and chest, this shot could be used to shot someone talking in a television drama. It briefly shows what the subject is wearing and their body, whilst still showing there facial expression.
The next shot of a MS (mid shot) shows the subject from the hips up, this is the ideal shot to use for my main image in my college magazine cover.
Next is a low angle shot, this makes the subject look bigger than they are, and this could be used to show power and dominance.
The next is the opposite and is a low angle shot, this makes the subject look smaller than they are which could be used to show a vulnerable character.
The wide shot or long shot is used so that we can see the entire body of the subject whilst there is a little room above and below them.
I included a group shot in my camera shots because I thought it could be used in my magazine at some point to show a sense of community and togetherness. This image could be used on a contents page with a page reference number to entice the public to read the story behind it.
The final shot is a high angle shot whilst also being a long shot, this shot would not be useful in my magazine however it could be shot in a TV drama to track the character, or could be used to show people are watching.

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