Wednesday 10 October 2012

Contents page analysis

This is an analysis of a contents page for the magazine 'Q'. I have included why I think certain shots have been taken the way they have and also why I think they have been placed on the page like they have.
I think that this magazine will get printed by an external company as a batch production in a factory as they have a wide market and there will be a large number of people who want to buy it. This magazine is made to make a profit so it will have to be produced cheaply in order for the company to make the biggest profit they can.
We can clearly see the target audience is roughly between 30-40 years old because of the crisp layout, and sensible colour choices. However I think this magazine may appeal more to the male market because of the photos of males included, and also because there is no feminine colours used in the design.
I think the colour red had been used through out as a theme to this contents page because it has connotations surrounding passion, this could be used to show the passion the magazine have for music, and can also relate the the buyers if they feel they have a passion for music too. Another connotation of red is hot and fierce, I think this works well because its almost suggesting to the customer that the magazine is hot off the shelves and also fiercely up to date.
The house style includes the use of three main colours and two similar types of font that are used throughout, this gives the page a professional and sophisticated look, making it appealing to the target audience. 
I think the contents page creates mixed impressions of how it wants to represent the artists, as some photos are fairly comical whilst others appear serious, I think this is because everyone has there own view on their favorite music type, band and artist, and the magazine doesn't want to mislead that or only target one genre of music. By doing this it has kept its options open and appealed to everyone, increasing the number of people that would buy this magazine.

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