Monday 29 October 2012

Front cover analysis


This is a front cover for a MOJO magazine which I will be analysing. The conventional items this cover includes: a title, main image, mast head, cover lines, bar code and price, a splash and it also has a consistent house style of two/three font types and three main colours. The conventional item that this cover has chosen not to include is a date line. The title is in a clear and bold font, I think this is so that it’s easily read and recognised by the public, it can also be easily seen because of the big size of the font which is the largest on the page so it stands out from the rest of the text. It’s also the colour white which contrasts with the darker background behind the title, however the title is covered by the people’s heads in the main image and also by some of the splashes which would usually restrict its view, however because these features are what the public are drawn to it also makes their eyes become drawn to the title. The main image on the cover is related to the main cover line which stretches across the middle of the page and also across the image itself. The link between the two helps the different parts of the magazine link. The main image has been edited into black and white and I think this is so that the cover lines and splashes stand out on the dark background. The main image is taken from a low angle which makes ‘Led-Zeppelin’ look as if they are dominating the page and this makes them stand out of the magazine at they look the largest and only image on the page, they are framed in the center of the screen in a long shot, this is so we can see their whole bodies and I think they have been framed in the center to make the cover look balanced and also so that they are the center piece of the cover. The cover lines are all highlighted by the colour red. This makes them look prominent from the main image and it also allows them to be easily seen which also makes them easier to read. The colour of the text is white and grey this links with the colours in the main image and makes it easy on the eye, this also creates a constant colour theme making a constant house style which makes the cover look professional. The bar code and price are placed in the recognisable bottom right hand corner of the page; this is where we usually expect to see the bar code. I believe by placing it here that it is easily found by the viewer as this is where their hand will reach for to turn the page, this could increase sales and the public will be able to easily see the price of the magazine which is £4.60. The price is also wrote in dollars for the US being $9.99 and also in Canadian dollars being $13.50, this suggests that the magazine is sold around the world which shows its success as a magazine and it also shows that they have a huge market. There is many splashes spread across this cover, one I believe is used to get the attention of the public so that it stands out from all of the other magazines is the ‘FREE CD!’ splash in the top lets corner. Usually when reading we start at the top left hand side of the page so this splash is the first thing the viewer will see, this could be used to persuade them to buy the magazine as they are informed there is a free CD which could mean there is more chance of them buying it. The other splashes give the reader a fun insight into some of the information and stories in the magazine, which again could make them want to buy the magazine so they can read about it. I believe the sophisticated layout and plain colours used in the front cover aim towards MOJO’s target audience of 35+ of both genders. This is also easily recognised by the older band as the main image, and the older generations would most like to read about this band.
I believe that this magazine would be printed by an external company as many of the magazines would need to be printed so that they can be shipped to different parts of the world where the magazine is sold. I can tell by the price tag that this magazine in particular is sold in the UK, America and also Canada, so this shows me that this magazine would need to be shipped to all of these places in order to be sold there. Having such a wide audience would mean that the magazine would make more profit as they would have a larger audience of people able to buy the magazine, meaning more sales and more money made, this would result in profits which is what makes a company succsessful.
I think this magazine cover as a whole conveys a relaxed approach towards the band because of the neutral photograph and also the sophisticated yet interesting cover. Overall I think this is a successful front cover however to improve this magazine I think the date line should be added so that the customers can see which issue they are purchasing, I think this would be the final touch to the front cover.

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