Thursday 25 October 2012

Pie chart - Top 10

I made this in relation to the top 10 charts. I wanted to put the music genres in a pie chart to see the relationship between them and to also clearly see which genre was the most dominant of the charts today. From making this pie chart I can clearly see that pop is the most popular genre in the charts at the moment as overall 7 out of the total 16 songs were of this genre, so this works out as just under half of the songs in the top 16 of the charts being pop. However the second most popular is R&B, as the pie chart shows one quarter of the charts is of an R&B genre, making 4 songs of this genre. As for all the other genres in the charts they do not seem to be as popular and these include genres such as: drum and bass, soul, indie, fold and electro - these all only had one song each in the charts today.
I am baising my music magazine around thr R&B genre and I believe the charts supports this as I can see that it is the second most popular genre of music, this means that I am going to have a fairly big customer base. Also I believe pop and R&B music are fairly similar and in some ways related, and because of the popularity of the pop genre I think this will help my magazine sell too.

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