Wednesday 10 October 2012

Front cover analysis

This is my analysis of a front cover of an existing college magazine. I have explained why I think the person who designed this cover has chosen to do different things, and explained what effect this may have on the public willing to buy the magazine. I believe analyzing this cover will help me when creating my own magazine as I now know what is effective, and also what doesn't work as well, it also gave me ideas of how to lay my front cover out.
I think the college there self will be responsible for printing this magazine, and I think this because the magazine is free, so this shows its no made to make a profit, but only for students to get information from and read, so I believe the college will do a batch production of this magazine for there students.
Overall I think the magazine cover represents college students of being mature and intelligent because of all the connotations surrounding the cover, furthermore this creates a positive impression of the students.

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