Wednesday 24 October 2012

R&B CD covers

I decided I would see what type of R&B CD coveres were on sale today, I did this to see what type of audience the genre of music is aiming at by the colours and images included on the CD cases. By studying these, I can see that the main target audience would be between 16-24, I think this because of the photos on the front of the covers, which are all close ups of the artists faces. All of the photos make them look attractive so I think this would appeal to the teen generations, as they may buy their CD for the face they like their phisical beauty on the case. However I believe the target audience could stretch too 25-35, I think this because non of the photos on the CD covers are provocative or revealing, so I think the sensible yet effective photos could also attract this audience. The set out of these CD covers are all tidy, neat and professional, this will attract the public into the music. These cases will attract both males and females at the colours are in most cases neutral.

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