Monday 15 October 2012

On my final front cover I included the following conventions; masthead, skyline, cover lines, a splash and a main image. I chose to use a simple but bold font for my title because I wanted it to stand out to the public when they look for the magazine in a shop among all the other magazines as the title would be easy to read. Another way I made it look prominent is by making the text red, as the connotations around the colour are passion and love however red is also associated with danger, I believe the red colour will catch the public's eyes as the red colour will stand out as being important, whilst giving off the impression that the magazine is about students that have a passion for college and who love learning, over all I believe the title on my front cover will be successful in getting the attention of the public. The sky line which I included above the title I chose to colour black and to also make the font size reasonably smaller, I did this because I didn't want it to take the attention away from the main title, however I wanted it to be easily seen after the title had been read by the public. For all of my cover lines I placed them in the first and third thirds of the cover, this is because when analysing existing magazine covers this was the most popular layout for the cover lines so I thought it would work well on mine too, and I also though it looked like a tidy and professional lay out. The subtitles on the cover lines I coloured red, this is so there is a link of colour running throughout my cover, creating a good house style, but also it makes them easy to read as the colour stands out against the background. I chose to make the text fairly small but easily reasonable, and I also included a little insight into the story underneath to draw the reader into the stories, I did this so in a small black font so it could be read but so it did not stand out too much as this doesn't need to be seen at first glance by the public. The splash I decided to include was a competition to win an IPhone 5. I chose to do this because teens and students are always on track with the latest gadgets and there are always new ones coming out, so I though by including a chance to win the latest apple product out then this would make the public want to buy the magazine so they could see for their selves how to win. This in a way makes my target audience students ages 16+ because of the generation the product is aimed at, but it could also span to adults wanting to know about the student and college life. For my main image I chose to use a easily recognizable college entrance in the back ground, but the most prominent past of my main image is a student holding folders. I believe this would clearly show the public what the magazine is about. I shot the girl at a mid-shot so that I could include some background whilst also allowing us to see the majority of her body. I took the photograph at eye level so that the picture did not look intimidating, and also so that the public can relate to the girl as it could make them feel like they are equal with her. I chose to have my model smiling as it is an inviting expression and it also shows that she is happy, this could show to the public that she is happy with her college life, and this could promote the selling of my magazine as students may want to buy the magazine to read and find out how they can have the same experiences. I think this cover will represent students in a positive way as the girl on the front cover looks successful and organised with all her work as she is holding her folders with pride, this could increase my target audience as parents may want to buy the magazine for their children to read before they begin college life. Overall I believe I used colour well to create a professional looking magazine cover as in my house style I chose to use three colour and three types of fonts to make the cover look interesting. My magazine would be printed by an external company as a lot will need to be printed in order for it to be sold in various shops, so I could achieve a larger market

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