Friday 12 October 2012

Sketch of front cover

This is a quick sketch of for I would like to set my front cover out. I want my title to be at the top as this is recognizable and it would stand out as i'm going to use a big text, a clear font and also the colour red because of the connotations of love and passion surrounding it.
I'm going to include 3 cover lines all in either the first third or the last third of my magazine, so they are easily read and spotted by the public. These cover lines are going to be titled in the colour red so that they link with my title and so there is a colour theme running throughout my magazine which in effect will create a good house style.
The bar code and the date line are going to sit at the bottom left of the cover as these don't need to stand out to the public or it could take attention away from the cover lines, however they need to be included so that it can be sold and also so the public can check if they are getting the latest magazine out of this type.
I think I am going to include a splash, as a competition so that the public will want to buy the magazine even more as they may feel they could win!
The main image of my cover is going to include a mid shot of a girl in front of college, I chose this because I feel from first glance the public will be able to see what the magazine is about.
i feel this will benefit me when designing my cover as i now know where to place everything.

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