Monday 29 October 2012

Demographics and social status

This is some of my research into 'demographics.' From this I learnt that its used to classify audiences into target groups, this is how many companies achieve larger sales and income by targeting their products to a specific groups of people. When designing a front cover of a music magazine for example they need to consider colour, photographs and layout etc to recognise which group of people they are advertising too. Blue colours could for instance be aimed towards a male audience, where as pink colours would be associated with females more. Other things such as the price of the magazine can be effective when looking it in terms of demographics. The average price of a magazine is around £2-£5, this seems fairly affordable to the majority of people, however the price if a magazine ever came above this price then they would need to take into consideration that maybe they have cancelled out the social grade E,D and possibly C2,C1 from buying the magazine as they might not be able to afford it, in effect reducing their amount of customers which will also reduce income and profit. Overall every aspect in a magazine and all the conventions on the front cover such as the images and stories all help the magazine appeal to a certain target audience through the use of demographics.
The social status and pay part of the demographics plays a big part when pricing the magazine and also take effect in terms of where the magazine is sold. People in the social grades E and D have the lowest income so may not be able to afford to buy a weekly magazine that is over or highly priced as the cost of it will be too much. However if the price was at the lowest end of the scale (around only a couple of pound) people of this social status might be able to afford to buy it, making it affordable for people of every social status. If the price is made this low the problem is people in the social bands of A and B may feel they want a more sophisticated, upper class and expencive magazine as they have the spare money to be able to spend on the magazines. All these points need to be considered when pricing a magazine, and this is why I believe that a price which affordble but not too low is perfect as this means it will appeal to every social status, whilst also allowing the company to make a profit on their product. When pricing my own magazine I will also take these things into consideration, as I want to have the largest target market I can achieve.

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